Episode 1-2

Black smoke that can be trapped like fog.
The smell of black human beings burning, the smoldering black smoke and the burning and smoldering houses.
A burnt, burnt iron-like, sour, oily smell of gunpowder that can be found around.
The place where I landed was not a meadow with lush grass.

At the beginning, Our session begins.
I take a deep breath, close my eyes and relax my body.
The therapist’s introduction of hypnosis continues.
Her voice has a dignified sound, which seems to reverberate to the ends of the universe.
I’m deeply hypnotized.
But it’s no different from how I feel when I’m awake. Is this really hypnotic? I can’t understand my condition exactly. However, I felt very good.
My condition seems to be sharper than when I’m awake.
However, when I often follow my senses, it seems that I am floating in the darkness.
I’m floating in the dark. It doesn’t feel like my feet are on the ground.
I feel a floating sensation. But that’s not a disappointing feeling.
I feel very comfortable.
Then I can hear a voice in the darkness.
The voice can be heard from a great distance. It’s a very dignified and clear voice.
The voice of the therapist who guides me. Its voice is like light, like a torch shining in the dark.
Meadow, grassland. This place is a meadow where the wind blows young grass.
I imagine a meadow like that.
I feel I can’t concentrate on my consciousness. Because I don’t see the meadow in the image. I think about that while listening to that clear voice.
I see something like a flower in the faint light in the distance.
I slowly approach the flower.
I think “Hmm, it’s not a meadow. Flowers? Flowers are that? I don’t think so.”
I feel in the dark. I can’t even see my body. I don’t know if I’m looking up or down. But I often squint. Then, I can see something like a crimson rose blooming in the petals between the vague black smoke.
Eventually it will be visible in my hands.
That voice seems to guide me to arrive at a beautiful flower garden. However, the place where I can see like the voice I hear does not feel like a flower garden.
I feel something unpleasant. I feel like rejecting it.
There is a red rose.
The red rose whose leaves and stems burned into charcoal.
But the petals look like they are shining red.
You pick that flower.

I hear that voice.

I reach out.
And I try to pick the red rose.

As soon as I broke the stem and picked the red rose, the petals turned into human blood, which melted and spilled into my hands, and black blood dripping on the ground.
And the roaring sound of the cannon shakes the ground. My ears ring and I can’t hear the sound around me.
At that time, I was attacked by the enemy! I thought.
We will be killed!
My heart beats faster and I can’t breathe well.
I smell the damp black soil.

Oh my god.

I was in the midst of The Civil War.


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