Episode 4-2

Afternoon terrace
There is a palm leaf monument avoidance. The wind across the terrace has a faint tide scent.
Below me, I can see the blue sea through the gap beyond the cityscape. (Is it the Mediterranean?)
I enjoy water pipes. (I hear the word nargila)
I’m looking forward to sweetening water pipes and tea with mint and spices.

Adventure, the sea, spices are everything in my life.

My life embarked on the sea in search of spices with a scent that I have never seen.
It’s been 40 years since I joined my master when I was 6 years old.
India, Egypt, Africa, Indonesia, Southeast Asia. Naked people. The first land. The smell of the wind blowing in an unknown country is very exciting.
My life of sailing around the world and seeking spices.
Of course I like spices themselves, but I sail over the rough seas into the sea. That was exactly what I was looking for.

In the first place, the voyage of the sea is a series of accidents.
It’s natural to meet a storm. You can get sick. Even my throat is dry. There are times when I’m not blessed with hope for days.
so. It’s dangerous to life.
Therefore, the voyage of the sea is just life itself!
When the storm clears, the moon and stars shine at night, and when you reach a new land, your desperate body instantly turns into hope.
That thrilling, anxiety, horror, and above all, the bloody uplifting and curiosity of rowing an oar across a strange horizon!
What a wonderful life!

My childhood when I was operating a ship under my master.
It has the best sweet scent of cinnamon and vanilla.
so! cumin.
Oh, what a wonderful spice!
My favorite spice!
A land I have never seen.
Music that I have never heard. I hear the sound of the drums. I’m kind of excited about my body. They have brown skin and wild and beautiful body lines.
I don’t understand their words, but I drink with exciting rhythms and strangers.
The feast naturally opens each other’s hearts.
People have different skin colors and cultures, but people can communicate with each other.
And what a sweet fruit wine! Really delicious.
I know that.
Spices make food good, but life also needs spices.
And the spice brought wealth to me.
All God’s will.
And adventure is the spice of life!

Now, I leave the work to my sons and have a calm retirement life.
The sea, our ship, and the days I was yelled at by my boss, I can’t go back when I was young. There is loneliness that I can’t return to, but I’m not dissatisfied with this peaceful life.




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