Episode 6

Library at The End of The Universe



After the feeling of coming in a daunting distance, entering the inside of the inside,
I was “there”.

There is a temple made of magnificent universe.

A temple where everything in the universe is gathered.
It’s a place that deserves to be called, but it’s so magnificent that it feels like it’s floating in outer space.

Of course, I can’t see the ceiling. It is the starry sky that falls. The glitter of the stars is overwhelmingly pouring down.
Meteor shower. Comet.
Everything is transparent, the universe.
A magnificent corridor.
Colossus stands endlessly on both sides of the corridor. Somehow, it’s magnificent beyond imagination.
It is in the shape of God. It’s a majesty that I’ve never seen.
And the godliness is that even if I close my eyes, the bright light pierces my body.
It feels like I’ve become a tiny ant.
Then, the front is hazy with light and clouds in the distance, and on the left, a spherical object that looks like a crystal floats in the air and rotates slowly.
It is a Space celestial globe. It’s not just the universe we are in.
It’s really magnificent.
There is also our blue earth.

Someone is approaching.
He is The person “here”. but his has no sexual. He is, of course, feminine, masculine, and neither. And while he is very dignified, he is also friendly.
A person with nostalgia, fraternity, calmness, true intelligence, deep wisdom, and such an aura.
he is not an earthling.
The jet-black gentle big eyes are very beautiful and impressive.
He seems to have been waiting for me to come.

“Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you,” he says.
“You can stay here as long as you like.”
“And everything here is good to pick up. It’s yours too. Please.”
His voice is very clear, gentle and sweet.

Each grain of light floating in the air is the memory of the universe.
They are the memories of love.
All this is “memory”!
What an amazing!
It’s like lining up on a bookshelf in an orderly manner.
It’s something that jumps out and flies in the air.
They are all love, memories of experience.
It seems that I can forget the time in such a place and stay forever.
When you touch the particles of light, various things flow into me.
The memory of stars. The trajectory of civilization. There were also terrible killings that destroyed the stars and the galaxy.

It’s a great war in space.
They are all perfect love.

Ah, what Jesus was saying is like this.
I think that way.

This is a place where anyone can come. I can come again.
anytime. Whenever I like.
This is the library at the end of the universe where the memories of the universe gather.
But I just call it “here”.
See you again. I’m waiting here.
He said.

The time I spent is like an eternal flow of time, but it’s also like a momentary event of blinking, and I feel like I’ve slipped into the gap between time.




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