Episode 8



The events in episodes 1 to 7 are the first long sessions I received, about 5 hours.
Here’s a little bit about that.

Especially in my first past life in Louisiana, I was very shocked.
I chose regression hypnosis and did not choose to regress in the inner berth or in the childhood of my current life. Then I will counsel with my therapist to see what I choose and what message I receive. That’s how its going to be.
I didn’t know anything about what would happen to me during the induction.
So, for me, the first impression of Jack’s life, the events of the Civil War, was of course very shocking. I felt like it was happening right now, and while I was undergoing therapy, I felt like I was on a roller coaster. Therefore, I think this session took some time.
I actually had pain in my body.
In fact, I wasn’t fluent in English at the time.
However, at that time, I seemed to speak English for some reason.
I felt like I was speaking Japanese.
Of course that wouldn’t be a session, so my therapist seemed to adjust me to link to me at the time by half.

To avoid your misunderstanding, what I would like to cooperate with here is that the main purpose of hypnotherapies is to heal injured wounds in such a way. I think it is. So what I write on this blog as my experience may be a little different from the purpose of these hypnotherapies and regression hypnosis.

Do you have vivid memories of your high school and student days? Of course, it may be clearly remembered as a memory like yesterday, or it may be a vague memory like a scene with a clear outline in the fog, or it may not be remembered anymore. I think past life memory is very similar to that.

I think this first Hypnotherapy session experience was a valuable experience for me.
Ironically, of course, I can say that my experience in this life up to this point was only possible because it wasn’t going well. It can be said that all events and experiences are continuously connected to the next life.
I’m thinking now. In other words, what happened in my life is nothing more than my own experience, but at the same time it has something to do with the lives of everyone reading this.

However, everyday life can often be rather difficult. I also make mistakes. I often feel depressed.
In many cases, a loved one dies first, or sadness dominates life.

And eventually I will have the next experience.








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