Episode 17

Three fragmentary stories
However, for me it is a confident memory.

Memories of what happened in the grasslands of the hills

The boy lost sight of one of his many sheep’s lambs.
He was disappointed in tears that he had lost his precious property in the bare grassland.
He searched all over the place for a long time, but couldn’t find any sheep.

He felt like he was pushed into the darkness.
The boy was in trouble, sweated, and he was struck by incomprehensible anxiety.The boy was almost crushed and couldn’t breathe.
And he almost gave up and sank into the spot.

At that time, a man called a prophet passed by. He wore a pearl-colored kimono and carried a cane. And he had a braided shoulder bag hanging on his shoulder.

“Hi, good boy”
He smiled as soon as he saw the boy.

But the boy couldn’t see his smile.
Because the boy felt like a light appeared in front of him at that moment. When he appeared, he came from the direction of the sun. and the boy saw his surroundings shining golden.

“Give me a glass of milk.”

The shining man sat down in the shade of a rock when he was told that.
The boy catches a lamb that recently gave birth to a lamb. Then he squeezed a generous amount of milk into a cup of hollowed out gourd and offered it to him.
“Good milk”
He was told that he would drink the milk very deliciously.
The boy nodded silently.”By the way, you’re very depressed. The sun will soon set. Right?” The boy hesitate to speak, but without knowing what to do, he said

“Yeah. Ah, Rabbi, in fact, one sheep is gone. I searched various places, but I couldn’t find it.”
Tears are floating in the boy’s eyes.
“Well, yeah. That’s why you were having a hard time in a place like this.”He looked up at the sky, took a deep breath and exhale slowly, clapping once with both hands and concentrating.

“Okay. You should wait quietly here. Aumm… I’m a little good at looking for something like this.”

When he smiled and winked, he quickly disappeared on the hill.
But at this time, the boy was full of hope and was no longer worried. The boy will surely find the sheep that he is gone. For some reason he really thought so.

How long has it passed?
The sun was a little shaded, so I think it’s been a long time.
The boy hears Lamb barks from a distance, mixed with the wind.
Eventually he came back with the sheep.
“Hey. long time waiting. I went a long way. This boy was scared and stuck in the shade of a rock.”
The boy ran up to the sheep and hugged him.
The boy is full of joy and tears never stop.

He sits beside the boy and he strokes the boy’s head.
“Jacob, listen carefully.This sheep is an important and irreplaceable sheep for you. I’m sure it will be a sheep that I will never forget. No matter where you are, you will never lose sight of this sheep. You lost this sheep once. But you got this sheep again. Because it’s a special sheep that has returned to you in this way.″
So he said, he walked towards a wilderness where no shepherd would go.

The boy couldn’t even say thank he.
