Episode 2-1

After JACK



“Goodbye,” said the fox. “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

“What is essential is invisible to the eye,” the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince


At the time of this life, called “death” or “end of life,” a magnificent light opens and the light shines overwhelmingly!
I felt it was hard to tell whether the overwhelming light came from the windows of the room or from heaven.

The ceiling of the room is thin and the haze, and beyond the haze, you can see that the majestic and magnificent “that place” certainly exists.

The place that we understand as heaven. I didn’t know at that time, but looking back, it’s just called “there”.
When our life is over, we will return to “there”.
However, although I said that I would return, it was not the feeling of returning, but the feeling that “I am there” at that moment. This is the moment when the veil covered by the world is removed. There is no name for that place. Just call it “there”.

By the side of my left hand, Cathy, who became a grandmother, swollen her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks as she put up with crying.
It’s like that time when she was a child of the war, quivering her lips tightly.
I feel the warmth of her hands.
I feels her deep love, and her feelings of “Don’t go. Jack. Don’t leave me alone” flow into me.
But still today is that day. She knew that too.

From the feet of my bed to the right, servants, former slaves, children, and grandchildren look at me quietly and sadly.
Some servants are crying. They have freedom.
They are sad and unavoidable that I will die.

“What are you crying? Please don’t cry.” I think so.
I can’t help it because it’s funny that they are crying.
I have a lot of fun and laughter.
“OK, OK, I’m so happy. It’s not a day to cry. Please, Cathy, don’t cry.”
However, this feeling of mine does not reach Cathy and others. I’m almost free from my body.

I’m full of bliss.
I’m full of happiness from my body.
Unthinkable! “Death” is a great happiness. It’s funny and can’t be helped. I can’t stop laughing.
At that moment, it was a blissful time of that calm afternoon when I was tasting the tea made by Kathy, like when I was full in the mouth of sweets. More than that.
The Time will come.

Particles of light enter like a waterfall, into my body.
It’s like feeling if I’m the light or if the light is me.
Then “The time” came sooner than I fell asleep and earlier than I woke up from my dreams.

I can see that I’m climbing at superluminal speed, without having to say goodbye to my body. There is a sense of speed, but there is no sense of oppression. It feels like perfect freedom.
Then, then, I am surrounded by a light that is more intense than I am.
When I noticed, there was a “person with a cane” in front of me, with a white beard with a slippery head that brilliantly shined in front of me. (I thought it was like a Budai-sama at that time. It’s a Sangha from the Tang dynasty.) I can’t help but laugh at his shining head and his pretty smile. Laughter will come up naturally.





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