Episode 2-2

The My Master or My Higher-self


That he is sacred and shining. It shines like a glittering sound. The head and plump belly of that he’s skinhead are shining brightly. but I really put up with the laughing that came up. Because I just died now, and I felt unscrupulous. and I was worried about Cathy who left behind. After that I knew she was lonely and crying and then lived until her death.
Oh, how pathetic Kathy.

Then, from the right side of this shining man, two people walk up to me.
Two children taken over by a divorced ex-wife.
“Why are you here!”
I call their names and hug each other. I can not stop crying. The older boy had grown up to be quite fearless.
“Today is that day, so we all came to see daddy.”
The younger sister girls walk up and extend her hand.
I’m so happy to see you again. Then, from the left side, another young man approaches.

At that moment, I suddenly become emotional and overflow.
He is bob.

Thank you for helping me, I couldn’t bury him properly, regret, sadness, anger, I couldn’t stop the overflowing blood when he was shot, I can’t help Was it.
I’m crying when I’m really sorry.
Then he laughs and comforts him, saying, “It’s okay, it’s okay. That’s past. It’s not a big deal.”
just like this, I can meet again. oh God! What a wonderful day!


This is like a port for takeoff and landing.
However, it is a huge, magnificent and majestic structure far beyond imagination.
A clear and majestic port where a truly magnificent diamond rocky mountain protrudes like an eagle’s beak, cut in half from the side and protrudes into a mighty canyon. It’s really magnificent here. It’s hard to put into words.

There is no such thing as the Gate of Heaven, the so-called Heaven’s Door. There are no stairs.
Also when I go. Even when I came back. Everything seems to start here. And they came to pick me up. To welcome me who came back.
I am full of joy in seeing them again.
Oh, what a wonderful day today.
I’m totally great happy!

Then I see that all the emotions of my life as Jack that I have experienced are absorbed into my chest as particles of light.

It feels like a sacred ritual somewhere. Then everything will be adorable and irresistible. Not only was it fun and happy, but suffering, sadness, pain, loss, and what I consider to be negative emotions are all.
When I suddenly raised my face, there was him who was shining divinely earlier. But this time, it looks different.

He wears a crown on his head and looks like an elf king.
This seems to be the true appearance. Then, the laughter that I had put up with a while ago comes up. We laugh out loud.
“Why did you look like that? You look so weird. You’re doing it on purpose! don’t you?!”
He is doing it on purpose.
He enjoys playing and showing.
He know I can endure laughing and he enjoy watching it.

That is his style of welcoming.
Welcome me with humor so that I don’t get too serious.
All the pains of life that we think, worry about, and experience are just laughter after that time.

And afternoon tea is prepared on the terrace.
It is a brilliant and expensive tea set and a luxurious arrangement.
The tea he made is fragrant, rich and incredibly delicious, which I have never tasted before.
The tea you drink with your loved ones is exceptional.
And the air is very delicious.
It feels like it permeates my body.

But I think the most delicious tea is the one made by Cathy.
I wonder where this tea is made. I have vaguely thought such a thing, he says, “This tea is produced here,”
When I was told that and looked around,

Look! Wow! Amazing!

I take a breath. At the end of the terrace, there was a magnificent city of light that was hazy in the clouds.
A waterfall that flows down like a white thread, a magnificent bridge over it, and a shining tower that rises.
It’s hard to describe, but like the golden Mont Saint Michel, like Sir Elrond’s city, Rivendell’s Imladris.
so! It seems to have made it indescribably majestic, magnificent, pure and golden.

Wow! !!
This is the world after death.
I am excited.
There is no fear. There is no meaning of fear. That’s the feeling.
How profound the world is!

Where are you going under that waterfall? I’m tired of wanting to see the city soon.
Can I go over there and see?
Of course. What’s here is also yours. He says.

Now to me. What advice do you have for a rich life in the future?
That’s what the therapist asks.

Then, the words of him.

He is stubborn.
Anyway stubborn.
This guy is obstinate person

Be honest.

That’s all.
It’s really really easy.
Every time, every time. At all, this guy is,

I feel like he said, “You stupid!”
He feels a little disappointed at me. But he knew it all and he was telling me.

I’ve taught you all how to do it. Also the method.
This guy should know everything.
It’s all.
Do what you want
That’s it.
What are you going to do?
How to connect with me.
Rather, it’s always connected.
Not only that!
This guy also teaches magic.

He winks with a grin
He says so and drinks tea really deliciously.

He is the master. Higher self. King of spirits. Lord of the City of Light in Heaven.
I don’t feel like it has a name in particular.
Everyone simply calls him “he” with respect.
And this place is called “the capital”.

Then, as we were drinking tea, his word “magic” already overlapped with another memory, another life.
Yes, I was beginning another life at that time.

l though the therapist had been the induction of different,
It doesn’t matter anymore.
I can hear it, but I understand it,
I’ve already started
I can’t stop it.


The abyss of the bottomless abyss.
Furious anxiety. A bottomless horror.
Oh, today is that day. That feeling.

There, I am brought back to the real world.


* It seems say that this world is an Life that exists in the middle.
I think this is because it is located between the life of this world and the life of the next world.

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