Episode 3-2

It smells like iron.
It smells very bad. I don’t like the smell of this iron. This is the scent of blood, the chains and locks that connect the slaves.

Heavy and cold iron locks are placed on my neck and wrists.
Also on the ankle. The chains are heavy. and The iron is so heavy that it rubs against my soft skin and bites into it, peeling it and oozing blood.

I will be forced to ride. It is a convoy made of flat barred cage.
There is a palm-sized gap at the seams of the iron bars. There are many iron studs at the joints between the grids.

Townspeople hatefully throw stones as prison car pass through the city.
Blood bleeds from my body as the stones they throw pass through the palm-sized gaps and dig into my head, arms and back. Many people have been carried in this prison car to die. From this iron grid, their sad feelings flow into my body.

On the way to the city, the evil hearts of foreign men flow into me.
I don’t understand their words.
It is regrettable to burn such a good woman. She’s good if she sells it. But before that, we have to taste it.
I see them thinking of such an unbearable terrible thing. When the prison car enters the cobbled streets, the townspeople verbally curse me.
Witch! Cunning absurdity! KILL her! Die, She should die! Death to the witch! Death to the witch! Witch is dead ! We were fooled by this Woman!

Broken bricks and stones, like fists, are thrown at me with hatred in my head, face, and body.
My body is torn, terrible pain and blood bleeding. I’m going crazy.

Stop! Why do you hate me! What did I do!
I’m begging you to stop!
Please stop!

Some of them have cured my illness.
But the eyes of the townspeople are full of hatred.
I’m more likely to tear my body with sadness than with physical pain.
Then I will exhaustion.

Then, as I was dragged, I was thrown into a stone prison in the sun.
Straw is messed up in the corner of the prison.
Straw was thrown in for relieve oneself.
It smells irresistible.

How long have I been in a stone prison?
Today is that day.
I know that day has finally come.
Oh, it’s finally that time.
That scene I saw when I was caught at home, that feeling. Unfathomable horror and darkness.

There was already a large crowd in the town square.
And there are those guys there.

Once again, the little bald man unfolds a scroll and reads it out loud.
But I don’t know what he is saying.
I don’t know.
Yes, only his hatred is transmitted.
That guy really takes this for granted. He considers me less than human.
He didn’t want me to atone in the first place.

What I’ve done so far is a contract with the devil.
That’s Satan’s business.
They just really want me to be burned to death.
There is no pity for me or a piece of salvation.
I truly believe that doing so is truly right.

I’m sad and Break My Heart as soon.

Then, when he finished reading something, he asked me something, but I don’t know what it was.
I feel like I was asked to sign something. But I don’t write.
I can only shake my head without force. The man makes a gesture that drives me away by hand. I have my wrists tied up with a straw rope raised, tied to a log, and tied to stand on just the pile of firewood.
A soldier with a torch ignites firewood together. The smoke rises in the blink of an eye. A lot of rice husks and straw are put in the firewood so that it burns well.

Straw emits a terrible amount of smoke when it burns.
I inhale smoke into my lungs and cough and I can’t breathe.
In a blink of an eye, the firewood ignites, and my feet and clothes burn.
From below, flames and hot air come into my mouth.

Feeling burning while alive. It’s hard to say.

A fierce flame, hot air pushing up from below, and the pain of being unable to breathe.
Through the gaps in the flames, I looked down, where Grandma was staring at me with tears in her eyes.
Please ease that child as soon as possible.
I found her saying so.
Ah, God.
Oh, My Maria

I was with the light.
I left my body.




