Episode 3-3

After Catherine



I was thirsty.
This is a place I’ve known for a long time. But it feels like a place I visited for the first time. It is a place with such a solemn atmosphere.
It feels like the time has stopped, but I feel a faint breeze.
Very clean air.
When I take a deep breath, I feel healed from the core of my body.

From where I was standing, I walked a little and found a spring with some flower-like ornaments.
It doesn’t look like a water place. But
“I wonder if I can drink this”
Even if I look around, there is no one.
I was so thirsty that I was a little lost, but when I caught the water coming out with both hands, it was very cold and glittering.
When I gently put it in my mouth and drank it, the dripping sparkling water was very cold and delicious.
And the pure water that comes in through my mouth permeates my body, and my body is instantly healed.

When I was living my life as Catherine, I didn’t feel like I met someone I had a connection with in this life.
It was in Louisiana, USA, where Bob was my younger brother. I didn’t have that inspirational feeling that I experienced at that time.

And “The precious man” is approaching.
It doesn’t look strange this time.
But after all, it is not the original true appearance.

That’s the way he greets me.

Seeing that, I’m laughing.
I had been burned at the stake until a while ago. I also wish he had a normal look.
But, it might be is it very fun he is us to do so.
Normally, it may be boring after all.

I and he towards that terrace, slowly step by step over the quiet The port, we will walk while enjoying its gait.

He doesn’t always ask for results.
How was your life? Or, you had a Miserable experience. There are no words of such labor. I also know that it doesn’t make sense.
He has all the prospects.
However, he always has a loving smile. Then we drink together the very delicious tea he prepared. Tea has a very nice scent.



His advice to me throughout this life

Stubbornness, softening it.
Be honest.
Hmmm, isn’t it the same every time?
magic. Be aware that you are a gift. Exercise it against yourself and against people. And give people gifts.

If she tried to be a little more honest with herself, she might have been able to live a little easier and cross the world.
She may be very different from expressing herself and sticking to her beliefs. Because she can be life-threatening.
Catherine was pure.
Her name may also mean that. The name also makes sense.
It may be a simple embodiment of the purpose of life.
And it may be inevitably selected by oneself.
Catherine was a really strong girl. And I feel that she was stubborn and did not listen to people’s opinions.
For her, she was more comfortable listening to wind songs, talking to birds and forest animals, and talking to the stars than to interacting with people.

Perhaps my grandmother doesn’t think that everyone is doing what you’re doing, “Be careful. Don’t let people see you too much.”
She may have been told such a thing.
And her grandmother may have been most afraid of this.

Be aware that I have a gift myself.
The soul of a stubborn person.
Notice that I have a stubborn habit.
No one has a grudge against such a terrible treatment.
I have received terrible hatred from people.
I was deeply hated even by those who were so grateful and healed.
I was very poor. I didn’t think it was poor at the time.
And all of them had the experience of saying that.
That’s all.

Then, everything becomes particles of light and is taken into the body.

The word “Cendrillon” or “Cendre” comes to mind.








