Episode 4-1

Ahmad or his true name is Muhammad


Spice and Great Voyage


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds




Around Istanbul (at the current location).
I can overlook the city from the window of my house. The place is a small, dense cityscape with a view of the sea in the distance.
Persian with an accent
But it’s not that old.
Islamic characters
The Quran’s chanting echoes in the town.
Round tower of the mosque.

How am I dressed? Hmm. I mean,
Fine clothes with turban and striped pattern.
A Janbiya -Probably a dagger- with gold and jewelry.

A fluffy cushion on the carpet.
It is between the ages of 46 and 47. I can say I’m a little fat.
My eyes are the same dark brown as I am now. The look is the same.
I’m waving with my black hair.

At that time, I smelled something roasting aroma.
A roasting scent when baking bread. Probably naan, That my favorite scent.

At that time, I was very hungry. A slow and late morning.
I’m waiting for Naan to burn.
My wife, Sally, is baking in a stone oven, but my wife is not good at cooking.
She is a good wife, but the food is better for her servants.
But breakfast is thus prepared by her wife.
Ah, hey, ooh, well well, Sally also burned Naan.
I have no choice but to put up with it and eat it.
Silver tableware. Yogurt, fruits, (dates?), Cheese, soft-boiled eggs (half-boiled yolks). Stir-fried spicy birds and green vegetables. This is my favorite. The food is good. I like this time very much.

My wife Sally is depressed. Because she was blamed by me for her burning Naan.
She complains that the fire is difficult to control.
We’ve been having a lot of quarrels these days.
But I can see that she is doing her best to me and our family.
Yes, there is no burning love of us once, but our calm life. And both I and Sally are happy with this life. I have no complaints.
There is no inconvenience in my life.
Because I’m getting a lot of wealth.

A heavy gold ring, a jewel ring (on all fingers), and a gold bracelet on my fingers.
Necklace with jewels.
Proof of status. Rich beard.
Everything is God’s will.




