Episode 4-4

After Ahmad

Great treasure


Then I’m at that The port.
The city that glitters in gold.
He will come. I can’t help being funny when I find out that it is him.

We are laughing.
In the meantime, they both laugh out loud.
It really looks like a middle-aged man who is both drunk.
“Oh, are you doing that again!”
“Yes. You know that! This is more interesting!” It’s like that.
He’s always really fun.
The reason I laughed at him was because he appeared in front of me in the same way he looked when I died.
Well, it’s his style. that is.

I owned a lot of gold and jewels in my life. But to me, there was really little attachment to wealth.
Rather than having a treasure, spending time with the best-baked fragrant naan scent, fragrant aroma tea, and delicious hookah. Those are always treasures for me.

Life experience.
It is a jewel in itself. That is wealth.
I know that.
So overall, I feel that this life was a success.
I was able to obtain great abundance.

However, the feeling of success and failure is a little different.
The success and failure of life in the sense we think is not limited to the three-dimensional world, and I feel that we cannot guess from our consciousness alone.
Life’s success, life’s failure. There is no such thing in the first place.
All that remains to be experienced is experience.
To experience it.
Both great success and great failure are great successes.
I think this life that I experienced was a life that I enjoyed the meaning of that.

Then, everything I have experienced in this life becomes a particle of light and is taken into me.
At this time as well, I did not choose to live with a friend who has a soul connection.
Even here in my life, I haven’t met anyone I knew in my life in the real world today. It may have been involved, but as far as I could see, no one did.

Because they are here.

This world is a world with souls, so-called soulmates and soul families.
The primordial world.
The spirit world.
The heavenly world.
Kingdom of God.
There are many ways to say it.

So, as a little regret at that time,
The life of meeting a soul friend is not bad either.
That is also good.
about it.

And throughout this life, what I can say in this life is very clear and easy.

Enjoy your life to the fullest!

Of course Life is easy.




